Join me for a 2-week Print & Pattern Challenge from January 8 - 22, 2024, and start the new year with fresh creative energy! The challenge will take place via my Domestika course, Pattern Design for Homeware Products. The course is really about creating playful pattern collections, that you can apply to any products (but I focus on Home Decor, one of my passions!). I will be with you every step of the way and will provide a timeline with deadlines, so you can stay on track. And there are PRIZES! More on that below.
During every day of the challenge, I will be there giving you your daily tasks and engaging with everyone’s progress. By the end of the challenge, you will have your very own Print and Pattern Collection for the Home, complete with name, story and mock-ups! Sometimes we just need a little extra push and some accountability! Not only is it a great way to feel a sense community with other like-minded creatives, but it’s also an opportunity to get feedback and encouragement on your projects. It’s also so valuable to look at each others’ projects and benefit from feedback those projects receive — it can really help you with your own work or address issues we all struggle with.
I recommend following the course at the pace of the timeline I will provide — this will mean you are on the same trajectory as other students and can benefit from seeing their work and the feedback I provide on it. Do follow along as best you can — in order to be considered for the prizes, you must complete the project by the end date. Don’t worry if you fall behind a day here or there (or if you want to work ahead). I will be engaged with you during the course of the challenge and will review your work as it comes in. As long as you meet the final deadline, you will be considered for the prizes.
Top Prize: I’ll be choosing my two (2) favourite projects from the challenge. These two winners will each get a one-on-one mentoring session / portfolio review with me (1 hr).
Bonus Prizes: Along with the two winners, I will choose 3 more of my favourite projects. I will share these 5 final collections in a special class post on Domestika, on my blog and instagram (@elizabetholwen).
And if you tag me on instagram as we go, I’ll be resharing some of my favourite ‘moments’ from along the way during the challenge. So post your progress and tag me (@elizabetholwen) and use hashtag #elizabetholwendomestikachallenge!
TO SIGN UP: If you purchase the course, participation is free! In the Community section of my class, simply follow the topic called ‘January Print & Pattern Challenge’ for all the info. Once you follow that topic, you will get a new message from me with every step.
If you know anyone who is interested in exploring or improving the craft, please share! You can also buy the course as a GIFT for a friend — honestly, the course is ridiculously affordable. Like, the cost of a fancy coffee.
The challenge is open to anyone who has purchased my Domestika course. If you’ve already created a project, you’re very welcome to join and create another one. I will only be considering NEW projects for the winners. Hope to see you there in January!